Xactsoft Multiline IT Solutions

Xactsoft Multiline IT Solutions

Listing Id: 320261

Company Name: Xactsoft Multiline IT Solutions

2A, Ground floor, Gold & Diamond Park, Sheikh Zaye

POBox: 183827
Telephone Number: 00971558239809
Fax Number: 00971558239809
E-mail: nayeem@xactsoft.com
Website: http://www.xactsoft.com/
Business Activity: Software development, Web Design and Development, Digital Marketing, ERP Software, Web Hosting, Webc

Company Profile:

About Xactsoft Xactsoft is a Multiline IT solutions and service provider in Dubai that delivers exemplary and real value services help clients to set up a class IT platform. Xactsoft is a one-stop Multiline IT solutions and service provider that delivers exemplary and real value services. This will not only help clients to set up a class IT platform but also enhance organizational flexibility with a remarkable improvement in their businesses. We offer a range of solutions and services that span across industry verticals. We have expert solutions right from ERP, .NET customized application development to application maintenance and support. We have catered to some of the top names in business and industries and helped them achieve their vision with great satisfaction. Xactsoft Multiline IT Solutions is a leading Multiline IT Solutions based in Dubai. Founded in 2010, this company boasts of being one of most sought after IT solutions and service-providers right across UAE as well as many of the Middle East countries. We have now spread our wings to other Asian countries such as India, Malaysia and Indonesia where we have set up a strong base as excellent IT solutions providers. Beginning as a small service provider, Xactsoft has diversified into many other domains such as Web Hosting, Dedicated Servers, Email Hosting, VPS hosting as well as Digital Marketing, SEO related content management. As the name suggests, Xactsoft is well known for delivering exact and customized solutions within the given time frame. Webcasting, Web Designing and Development are the other specialties that we deal in. Xactsoft is here to assist you with its plethora of IT solutions that can be customized to your requirements. We, at Xactsoft believe in prompt delivery and synergistic efficiency that makes our client come back for more. As our motto suggests Xactsoft is a place “Where Vision and Reality Meet”. Once you avail our services, our team of knowledgeable professionals, are always available for constant support and guidance.

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