Listing Id: 273617


Abu Dhabi

POBox: 106448
Telephone Number: 02-6768684
Fax Number: 02-6766242
Business Activity: Oil And Natural Gas Field Equipment, System And Spare Part Trading

Company Profile:

The company profile for SAFWAN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGIES is not available in our record. If you are a representative of this company, you may contact us to update this company listing.

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Disclaimer: If you are looking for a job in SAFWAN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGIES or just looking for salary information in the company then this site is not for you because we does not provide the information that you are looking for. This site is a business directory site and not a recruitment site, if you want apply for a job you may click on the link provided bellow.

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User Reviews

    1. Hi,
      On 13/1/2017 I received job offer for the post of Senior Account Officer and my appointment letter number is JOB REFERENCE NUMBER: SPC/7293/079/UAE/016.
      Kindly confirm me its real or scam.

      Thanks and regards

      1. Hi,
        On 19/3/2017 I received job offer for the project manager and my appointment letter number is JOB REFERENCE NUMBER: SP-03571 /2020/UAE/017.
        Kindly confirm me its real or scam.

        Thanks and regards

  1. Hello Safwan Petroleum Oil,

    I recently received a job off for HSE position which is located in Dubai. However, I would like to check and see whether the job offer is a scam. I would greatly appreciate if you can provide me with any feedback in regards to your offer letter process for expats from USA.

    Thank You,

    Tyra VanLeer

  2. Hi I also received a job offer from SAFWAN, I would be great full if you could get back to me to confirm if it’s a scam
    Yours sincerely
    Colin Pearcy

  3. Hello sir,
    i received a job offer from SAFWAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, I would be great full if you could get back to me to confirm if it’s a scam. job reference number:-SPC/7293/079/UAE/016. Please give me your feedback if this offer sending by your company.

    Yours sincerely
    Raju vasava

  4. Hie

    I received job offer of field operator and the reference number is SPC 7293/079/UAC/016. I would like to hear from if it is real or a scam. please get back to me soon

    with regards

    Douglas Mazowani

  5. Would want to hear from you if it is not a scam, got an offer from safwan teference job number SPC7293/079/UAC/016

  6. Good Day!

    i receive also to contract to safwan company i want to clear if its true,b’coz im worried please send me feedback after to read my comment.

  7. Good Day!

    I received a offer letter from Safwan Petroleum Technology Establishment ,
    Job Reference Code: SP-03571 /2020/UAE/017
    Would appreciate please let me know its real or scam.

  8. I am piping supervisor and l have total gulf experience 14 years currently I am doing working in saudi arabia

  9. Sir,
    I rcvd offer letter on behalf of ur cmpny @Job reference No. Safwan 483910/1509/UAE/6978.
    Please let me know it is real or false

  10. Hello sir,
    i received a job offer from SAFWAN PETROLEUM COMPANY, I would be great full if you could get back to me to confirm if it’s a scam. job reference number:-SAFWAN -483910/1509/UAE/6978 . Please give me your feedback if this offer sending by your company.

    Yours sincerely
    fatin norsyuhadah

  11. Hello,

    My name is Nikita I am oilman from Russia.
    I heard about your company and I am very interested in the direction and perspective.
    Kindly asking you if possible suggest and help me find a job as Oil & Gas Mechanical Engineer please.
    It would be nice to discuss the details in an interview.

    Thank you!
    Have a nice day!

    Nikita Stepanov

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