Listing Id: 108385

Company Name: NESTO GROUP

Dubai - Deira

POBox: 3843
Telephone Number: 04-2226619
Fax Number: 04-2225776
Business Activity: Department Stores

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The company profile for NESTO GROUP is not available in our record. If you are a representative of this company, you may contact us to update this company listing.

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User Reviews

  1. i am shafique i have 2 years experience in carrefour sharjah salesman and decoration supervisor . now i like to join your company

  2. Hi I am Mohammed I was working in lulu hypermarket for past 17 years .In that 5 years worked as a Salesman and 12 years worked as a store buyer and central buyer.Now I am looking for a job in nesto supermarkets and Hypermarkets.

  3. The day when I join nesto is my best day ever. The company who give me chance opportunity to prove my self. I always respect and will respect and appreciate that this is my life 1st company where I start my job careers. From nesto I learn more still I can learn. Recently m in front end and I love my job. Love to deal with customers. I will give my best to prove my self. Hope my future will be good In nesto 🥰😍

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