Listing Id: 320088

Company Name: CREOS

Office 2409, Tiffany Tower, JLT P.O.Box 91532 Dub

POBox: 91532
Telephone Number: +971 4 432 4380
Fax Number: +971 4 431 8897
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Company Profile:

Marhaba! We are crazy people. Chopsticks. Sometimes we think we have ADD! Can you name ten cities that start with the letter C? What if the world were black and white? Or grey? How do we add color? If you want a perfect solution, something that ticks every box, and a way to achieve the goal quickly and efficiently, then we can point you to best agencies. But if you want to look things in a different angle, to work with a team who may not always get it right from the first time – but won’t stop till they do, if you want to meet people who have passion and have lots of fun in what they do, then go ahead and give us a call.

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