Al Shamsi

Al Shamsi

Listing Id: 319000

Company Name: Al Shamsi

Opp Villa Rotana Hotel Manazel Al Safa, Sheikh Zay

POBox: 4067
Telephone Number: +971 4 3804000
Fax Number: +971 4 3804004
Business Activity: bathroom renovation products, kitchen renovation products, wall flooring, water heaters

Company Profile:

Al Shamsi was founded in 1955. A company formed traditional business values of honesty, integrity and service, which have remained faithful to the family values of the enterprise. The respect for culture and the concern for providing quality products and business with ethical values still exists. The company is committed to provide the industry with quality products produced by renowned manufacturers who adhere to the corporate policies of enhancing "Environment & Technology". We are delivering the products includes, Bathroom collections & Accessories Kitchen collections & Accessories Walls & Floorings Water Heaters

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