Ramee Hotels Bahrain

Ramee Hotels Bahrain

Listing Id: 318818

Company Name: Ramee Hotels Bahrain

Manama – P. O. Box 11538 Bahrain

POBox: 11538
Telephone Number: 97317296237
Fax Number: 97317310687
E-mail: rameehotelsbahrain@gmail.com
Website: http://rameehotelsbahrain.com/
Business Activity: Hotels, restaurents, resorts and Apartments

Company Profile:

Ramee Group of Hotels, Resorts and Apartments is a well-established business conglomerate in the Gulf region and in India consisting of 37 topmost business and affordable luxury hotels. It is present globally in cities like Bahrain, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Tirupati and Oman. The Ramee Group of hotels is well-known as the leading hotel chain in Middle East and in India that offers affordable luxury accommodation in Hotels and Furnished Apartments. Besides offering quality accommodation at reasonable tariffs, the Ramee Hotel also specializes with World Renowned Delicacies served in Exclusive Restaurants & Live Entertainment Clubs. The group employs more than 3000 employees from 15 countries across the globe with global management and marketing expertise & continues to grow in the hospitality industry.

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