P O M General Trading LLC

P O M General Trading LLC

Listing Id: 316784

Company Name: P O M General Trading LLC

Tecom, Tameem House Tower 809, Dubai - UAE

POBox: 643676
Telephone Number: +97144498400
Fax Number: +97144498411
E-mail: marketing@pomdubai.com
Website: http://www.pomdubai.com
Business Activity: General Trading, Interior Design, Web Design, Agricultural, MEP Products Supply

Company Profile:

POM (Professional Operations Management) Dubai General Trading L.L.C. is a firm established in Dubai, U.A.E. Considering our strong EMEA affiliation and presence, POM is also keen to expand internationally, into markets where we feel/envisage that we could not only align our growth aspirations, but also into regions where we add long term value potential.

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