Jezzinoli advertising&Marketting

Jezzinoli advertising&Marketting

Listing Id: 318242

Company Name: Jezzinoli advertising&Marketting

twofour54 park rotana building. level 4- office 40

POBox: 53483
Telephone Number: 024445508
Fax Number: 024445571
Business Activity: Engagements, Royal Weddings, Birthdays, Graduation, National Concerts, Privet Events, New Baby Bor

Company Profile:

Our company is located in Twofour54 ( Media zone ) Abu Dhabi-UAE , it’s an advertising company. Our company usually makes Exhibitions and conferences for any occasion that requires us to have some events and exhibitions for our projects. We also do some marketing services. Our marketing services require designs and some social media work. As for the content productions, we do the Advertising, some corporate film productions, Graphic Design, we also have some people that are required for Photography and others that are good with Videography. Moreover, we also have people working with Web Design and Development. Our has creative people that can work on your Social Media. Also can do some Photography on your subject, do you some Videography, Slow motions images and other.

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