

Listing Id: 315885

Company Name: Planters

5571 Al Qouz, Dubai UAE

POBox: 5571
Telephone Number: +971 (4) 338 1899
Fax Number: +971 (4) 338 1899
Website: http://
Business Activity: Office Plant Installations, Plant Maintenance, Plantwalls, Plantwires, Preserved Palms, Replica Tree

Company Profile:

Established in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in 1978, Planters is now the largest interior landscape company in the Gulf Region. We specialise in the supply of superior interior landscaping, offering the very best in terms of design, range of products, and on-going maintenance. Planters are unrivalled within the UAE and a fierce contender worldwide, having won yearly awards from the British Association of Landscape Industries since 2002, as well as receiving the Dubai Service Excellence Scheme Award in 2003.

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