Dental Arabia Middle East

Dental Arabia Middle East

Listing Id: 310888

Company Name: Dental Arabia Middle East

Executive Office No. 44 8th Floor, Al Thuraya Bldg

POBox: 500717
Telephone Number: 04 4280915
Fax Number: 02 6272080
Business Activity: Publishing, Magazine, Website, Advertisement & Marketting

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The company profile for Dental Arabia Middle East is not available in our record. If you are a representative of this company, you may contact us to update this company listing.

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User Reviews

  1. This letter from the Al Masharik Dental Trading Co., a dental importing Co., , situated in Baghdad.
    I wish to know about the possibility of buying dental materials in wholesale prices from you and the required products so would you inform me the best way to open your catalog , and I wish to buy products directly from Dubai in order to reduce transportation costs.
    Awaiting for your detailed prompt reply.
    Best regards.
    Dr. Abdul Majeed Rasool ( Company owner ).
    Mobile ++9647705335218

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